Friday, May 4, 2012

The Journey Of Iron Angel On The Roads Less Traveled

I have been trying to decide how to start this blog about all of my adventures riding. I thought about it and believe your past defines your future. So, I will  start with the many rides from the past years and move forward.  I have been blessed with many friends that we have rode with past, present  and future. My past has taught me to be strong and steadfast.  My present has taught me to be patient as I know Karma comes around when patient as I have seen this from my past.  My future looks great and filled with love. I have been blessed to have meet so many wonderful friends that I would consider family from riding and all our adventures.
My Love To All That Have Been On This Journey Of Life With Me Riding On The Roads Less Traveled.  L♥H♥R Iron Angel ~ JoAnn Tavani.